How to double your time by outsourcing seven simple tasks a week

How to make your time super productive by outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant and save yourself 10 hours a week *

Would you like to save 10 hours a week? How about if I could show you how to give yourself back 10 hours a week? What would you say then? Maybe you have decided that 2023 will be the year that you try and make your time more efficient, productive and grow your business.

Is it magic? No!

Top of your to-do list should be to find a Virtual Assistant (VA) that can save you timeSee my post on what a VA is and how they can help. A VA can help you develop and grow your business and save you time. Work out what you need to delegate and look at what’s on your overwhelming to-do list and take it from there. The fact that you never make progress on your to-do list is more than likely limiting your growth prospects.

Yes, it’s hard to delegate and let go but the first step is to change your mindset and stop thinking “it’s too difficult to delegate, I might as well do it myself and I can’t afford it.”

Think of the possibilities and what you could achieve if you delegate and the time it could give you back!

Here are some ideas as to what you can outsource to a VA and the time it could potentially save you per week*. Remember a VA is there to save you time not add to your task list!

Diary management

How much time do you spend every week managing meetings and scheduling appointments? Trying to get several people together can be agonising! 2 Hours maybe? If you delegate this to a VA then they can manage the meeting requests and send out the invitations.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 2 hours.

Social media

Your social media presence for your business is your online presence. Your shopfront. If it looks like you aren’t keeping it updated you will look like a closed shop. At least 85% of consumers check out a business online before doing business, it is vital that your online presence is up to date if you want to keep your business growing.

A VA can help with social media management from content creation to original blog posts through to researching great content from influencers and curating content. Scheduling posts across various platforms, brand awareness, building and engaging with followers, run specific campaigns or respond to enquiries for customer support. A properly trained VA who specialises in Social Media Management can save you 2-5 hours a week of your time depending on how many platforms your business is on and how much you want managing. You don’t have to delegate the management completely; maybe you just want to set channels up or need to give them a polish or brainstorm some new ideas. Maybe start a new campaign? ⏰

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 2 hours up to 5 hours+

Email marketing

Do you send out a newsletter or a blog? Invitations to events? Manage a database of clients? A VA can manage your CRM database and design your newsletter and email design, manage your email campaign, send out your blogs.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 1 hour up to 2 hours a week depending on how often you send out mailings.

Website updates

How often do you update your website? You should be updating your website and checking the links etc at least once a week. New content helps you expand your reach on search engines. Google loves a frequently updated website with fresh images and content. If you update your website frequently 2-3 times a week then the search engines will take notice and rearrange the ranking of your site which pushes it further up the list.

A VA can update your website with your blog, content, images, provide new graphic images for blog posts, update pages, create new pages, check links are working. Update your articles. Create pages. Create content and write blogs. Do an audit of your website. Share your website pages on social media platforms.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 1 hour up to 2 hours+ depending on how much content you have to add/manage on your website. I can do this on a variety of platforms including WordPress.


Do you travel much for business? How long do you spend researching logistics of travel and checking flight and train times. Outsourcing could save you an hour of your time a week.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 1 hour

Admin and general paperwork

Chasing invoice payments, Creating invoices. conducting interviews for newsletters, surveying clients/customers, writing up reports. Managing email. Producing marketing documentation and graphics. This all steals your time.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 2 hours up to 4 hours

Online Research

How often do you start researching something online and then get distracted by the vast rabbit hole distraction of the internet? A VA can dedicate time to online research for you, for example, researching your competitors, planning events looking for leads and contacts, finding content for your social media.

⏰ Minimum time saved per week 1 hour up to 2 hours

If you outsourced these 7 tasks and they took the minimum time stated above each week of 10 hours, then you could potentially save 10 hours of your time every week! That’s an average of 40 hours a month which is a whole week of your time saved to either develop your business further, win new clients make more profit or have that holiday.

If you would like to chat further as to how I can help you develop and grow your business next year then please get in touch. You can also contact me for a free audit of your social media platforms. Amongst over things, I am a professionally trained Social Media Manager (by Digital Mums), so I can give you a full strategic social media management service. We can chat over the phone or online over a web chat, Zoom, Facetime, Google etc.

* caveat: depends on how much you delegate!

If you would like to chat further with me as to how I can help you develop and grow your business next year then please get in touch.

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