Three questions to ask yourself about Instagram

Do I need to be on Instagram for my business?

Three questions to ask yourself before you start on Instagram, there are a few things to think about before you get stuck into Instagram. It’s important that a) it’s right for you and b) that your ideal client or customer is hanging out on Instagram

● Is your target audience on Instagram? If you’re a lawyer, then I’d say probably no. However, if you’re a lawyer for creatives, and that’s where your audience is hanging out, then yes! People aren’t using Instagram to seek legal advice, but they might want some tips for contracts. It’s worth researching to see whether other brands in your niche are doing well (and that content is hitting the mark!)

● Do you have plenty of images? Instagram is image-based, so you’ll need a plentiful supply of good-quality video and photos. And if you want to take advantage of Reels and Lives, then jumping on video is definitely something you should be comfortable with.

● Do you like spending time on Instagram? When you commit to a social media platform, you’ll spend a lot of time there. Therefore, you must enjoy it, or you’ll end up dreading creating content for it.

If you’d like some help on Instagram or to talk about Instagram strategy then do get in touch.

My social media packages start from £500 per month.

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